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上海明嘉金屬科技有限公司由具有三十多年專業熱處理加工技能和經驗,于2003年在上海市嘉定工業區世盛路618號自建占地17000㎡的工業廠房,配備了國內外先進的熱處理加工和檢測設備,可為客戶進行各類材料產品和精密模具的真空/常規淬回火熱處理,真空氣體硬(軟)氮化;機械加工和五金沖壓件產品的高真空固溶、時效,超深冷處理 (-196℃);各類鋁合金產品的固溶、時效、退火和去應力;可控氣氛網帶爐生產線滲碳、碳氮共滲、調質;可控分解氣氛輝光爐生產線不銹鋼光亮退火、淬火及軟磁材料光亮退火(磁);鈹/青銅光亮固溶時效;精密模具和各類零件TD表面超強化處理;各類材料各種硬度的專業測試和金相分析檢測。

 Shanghai Ming-Jia Metal  Science Technology Ltd. (Hong So's heat treatment company holding company), was set up in Hong Kong and the Mainland, Hong Kong So's have over 30 years of professional experience in the heat treatment process, and was setup at 2003, No. 618 Shi Sheng Road, Jiading Industrial Zone, Shanghai. We have self area of 17,000 square meters of industrial plants, equipped with advanced equipment at home and abroad, customers can conduct routine / vacuum hardening of various materials, tempering, multi-purpose furnace carburizing, carbonitriding, liquid, or pre-vacuum gas nitriding, cryogenic treatment (-196 ℃), metal stampings vacuum annealing (aging), stainless steel bright annealing, quenching, bright annealed soft magnetic material (magnetic), beryllium / bronze light solution, aging, molds, parts TD super enhanced surface processing, and can be of various types of materials testing and metallurgical analysis of hardness testing. And domestic and foreign agents operating various types of mold steel.

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